Bay Area Hikes Fall 2000 – Winter 2001
The sea fig or ice plant is abundant in California coasts and I saw plenty of it and it’s related pink variety. Though quite pretty, it is an invasive species, native to South Africa, and it competes with several native species for space and resources. It was actively introduced to help stabilize dunes and highway plantings until the 1970s 🙁
The shore bird photos were all taken on the south end of the San Francisco Bay. There are multiple places to see these out there and I neglected to note on my early pictures where exactly they were taken. The Jay and hummingbird were frequent visitors to my yard and were probably taken there. The Anna’s hummingbirds are very vocal unlike the Ruby Throated hummingbird that I see on the east coast. These you frequently heard before you saw them. The cedar waxwings would come seasonally and eat orange berries from my pyracantha, while the Black Phoebe was seen frequently buzzing over the pool and on our Bay area walks, catching insects.
![Sea Fig](
![Brown Pelican](
![Ring-billed Gull](
![California Ground Squirrel](
![Long-billed Curlew](
![Anna's Humminbird](
![Scrub jay](
![Least Sandpiper](
![cedar waxwing](
![black phoebe](