Natural Beauty in Alviso, California

These photos were take along the Alviso Slough Trail at the very end of the San Francisco Bay in the small community of Alviso. There were lots of gulls including this Short-billed gull (formerly called Mew Gull), which was a lifer for me :). I also saw this pretty buttercup. Unfortunately, part of this trail is closed currently for construction according to AllTrails.

White-faced Ibis
White-faced Ibis – 20 May 2001, Tivo Corp Mitigation Pond, Alviso, California

This White-faced ibis was a rarity for this area and another lifer for me. We got word that one had been spotted nearby and headed out. We parked in the Tivo parking lot and found it hunting in the mitigation pond nearby. The sun was on the wrong side and the opposite edge of the pond was not accessible, but I was so happy to get the picture we did 🙂

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